Thursday, June 4, 2015

Happy New Year

Happy New Year? Happy Khmer New Year that is – every April brings in the new Khmer year where traditionally people return to their home villages to celebrate with their families. This three-day festival is full of celebrations through traditional foods, games, dances and visiting temples to gain blessings and welcome the new Zodiac spirit for the year. Cambodian Christians can still celebrate the holiday enjoying family and traditions without the spiritual aspects. Our church had a Khmer New Year party where I enjoyed learning new games, songs and dances.

The two new Potter’s Field Ignite interns have arrived! Their names are Shelby from California and Kaitlin from Florida. Kaitlin is actually one of the past intern’s (Kaylee) best friends – small world! God made it very clear He wants to do a new and different work with these girls then He did with the last. Physically it is the start of a new year, it is a changing of the seasons from dry season to wet season, it marks the transition from harvesting crops to planting seeds and as I read chronologically through my Bible I ended Revelation and began Genesis (a book of new beginnings) the day of their arrival. I think you can agree with me that God wants to begin a new work with this team. 

Monday, April 13, 2015

Wait, I say, on the Lord

“I would have lost heart, unless I had believed that I would see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living. Wait on the Lord; be of good courage, and He shall strengthen your heart; wait, I say, on the Lord!” Psalm 27:13;14. Somehow six months have flown by since my arrival October 2, 2014 full of long days but short weeks. God has had me in a season of trust and I would have lost heart unless I believed in the goodness of God as I waited each day to see His faithfulness even when I was faithless. I have learned to believe 2 Corinthians 4:16-18 and not look at the things which are seen but to the unseen; for the things that are seen are temporary but the unseen are eternal. God is working in me a far more exceeding and eternal weight of glory even though my outward man is perishing my inward man is being renewed day by day.

Wait, I say, on the Lord. As Americans we love to do
, work and be productive. Waiting is a waste. But, we as a team learned that the Christian life isn’t always about doing but it is about being – being steadfast in the Lord and faithful to whatever He sets before you day by day. I couldn’t be more proud of Kaylee, Brittani and Izzy as I watched them board the plane heading back to America. Kaylee and Brittani have faithfully completed their six-month Ignite field time and Izzy humbly served as my assistant with all sincerity. Life wasn’t easy for these girls from many aspects but if you ask them if it was worth it, I know they would say in unison “we would do it all again to see the goodness of the Lord.” These girls are grown women being sent back to America to continue to live their lives for the mission of expanding God’s Kingdom.

The goodness of the Lord. We saw God’s goodness in our personal lives, the lives around us and through us. I learned to trust God in a way I never have had to trust before, Izzy learned to abide – to remain in Christ, Kaylee learned God is her hope- the anchor to her soul and Brittani learned the vital need for prayer. As we formed relationships with the people we were able to share the Gospel and God’s love with some young Buddhist teenagers, encourage the church youth to read their Bibles daily and even start a Bible study with a few of the youth girls. The Bible study with the youth girls is amongst the most precious jewels to us of God’s goodness. Through simple broken English we have begun studying Ephesians by simply reading God’s word, explaining what is happening and how we can apply it to our lives. On several occasions the Khmer girls have gotten shivers from the simple truths of God’s Word. One girl even testified that she doesn’t have a father but through this study and us she has learned what God’s love looks like. This is just a small glimpse of the goodness we have seen! To God be the glory!

Kaitlin and Shelby
Cambodia has two main seasons: dry season and rainy season. We are entering into a new season both physically from dry to wet and I believe spiritually as well. The rain is coming, the seeds will be planted and the harvest will be ready to plow in due time. On April 15th, 2015 two more Ignite interns, Kaitlin and Shelby, will be arriving to serve for their field time and I am excited to see what God has in store for these next six months! Until the whole world hears!