Thursday, September 18, 2014

Cambodia Bound - No Turning Back

We all know the popular hymn “I have decided to follow Jesus…though I may wander, still I will follow… the world behind me, the cross before me…though none go with me, still I will follow…no turning back, no turning back.” This hymn has become more than just a song for me; it has become the prayer of my heart.

As stated in my previous letter: I never thought I would be a “missionary” or serve God overseas for a long period of time, but as I have gotten my feet wet with the Potter’s Field IGNITE Mission Training School, I hope someday to be swimming in the sea of need and be a part of bringing the gospel to an unreached people group. There are people dying every day without Christ because few are willing to lay down their lives so that others may have life eternally. My only reasonable response is “Here I am Lord, send me.”

With Izzy Jackson who will assist leading
IGNITE interns in Cambodia
An opportunity has presented itself for me to continue serving God overseas with Potter’s Field Ministries (PFM) in Cambodia.  During my time of serving in Uganda as an IGNITE intern, God began to lay Cambodia on my heart. I did not know much about Cambodia but what I did know was Potter’s Field had begun to partner with a local church there and was establishing Potter’s Field Kids (PFK) programs with hopes to eventually send IGNITE interns to serve for their six-months of field time. I often found myself praying for Cambodia as God continued to bring it to the forefront of my mind. The more I prayed and thought about Cambodia, the more I wanted to go there and serve and be a team leader for IGNITE interns. I thought none of this a possibility but in the quietness of my heart I continued in prayer.  As I delighted myself in the Lord, He granted me the desires of my heart and now I am blessed with the opportunity to come back to PFM as staff and lead IGNITE interns to Cambodia for six month increments. God is so good!
Kaylee and Brittani - the two IGNITE
interns serving in Cambodia

I will be leaving for Cambodia October 1st, 2014 with my former teammate, Izzy Jackson. Izzy will assist me in leading and facilitating the IGNITE interns who will arrive mid October. When the interns arrive we will spend a week in the capital city, Phnom Penh, getting to know the church Potter’s Field is partnering with – New Life Fellowship (NLF). We will then travel to the villages where we will live and work with the five different PFK locations in NLF church plants.

We are beyond excited for this opportunity and greatly appreciate your prayers! I can’t wait to share this journey with you and declare God’s power, goodness, and the work He is doing around the world! May we ever press on, fellow soldiers, until the whole world hears!

Practical ways to be involved:
1) PRAYER “The effective, fervent prayer of a righteous man avails much.” James 5:16b

2)Stay connected 

3)Financial: Making a contribution to Potter’s Field Ministries in my name. 
         -Plane ticket: $1,300
         -Visa: $150 for six months
         -Living expenses: $300 per month

To do this please make the check payable to “Potter’s Field Ministries” with an attached note indicating you are supporting the work God is calling me to do in Cambodia. Please send contributions to the following address: 914 Second St. E Whitefish, MT 59937